Faculty Publications


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Teaching trans knowledges: Situating expansive possibilities in an intermediate French course in Teaching trans knowledges: Situating expansive possibilities in an intermediate French course. In S. Bouamer & L. Bourdeau (Eds.) Diversity and Decolonization in French Studies: New Approaches to Teaching. Palgrave Macmillan. 165-180.

Kris Knisely, French & Italian
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Gender-just language teaching and linguistic competence development in Gender-just language teaching and linguistic competence development. Foreign Language Annals. 55(3), 644-667

Kris Knisely, French & Italian
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Gender-justice and the development of intersectional thinking: evidence from an intermediate French course in Gender-justice and the development of intersectional thinking: Evidence from an intermediate French course. CFC Intersections. 1(1), 147-160.

Kris Knisely, French & Italian
CFC Intersections in CFC Intersections. Special Inaugural Issue of CFC Intersections 1.1 (2022). 160 pp. "Introducing CFC Intersections.” CFC Intersections 1.1 (2022), pp 1-12. Co-authors, Denis M. Provencher and Siham Bouamer.

Denis M. Provencher , French & Italian
Mock Ritual in the Modern Era, Oxford University Press

Reginald McGinnis, French & Italian
La Cazzaria, Manoscritto K: da una copia ottocentesca dell’Edizione di Napoli (ca. 1530), Florence, Italy: Franco Cesati Editore

Fabian Alfie, French & Italian
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“Hip-Hop Ecologies.” Co-edited with Timo Müller. Ecozon@ European Journal of Literature, Culture, and Environment 14.1 (2022): 105 pages. in “Hip-Hop Ecologies.” Co-edited with Timo Müller. Ecozon@ European Journal of Literature, Culture, and Environment 14.1 (2022): 105 pages.

Alain-Philippe Durand, French & Italian
Potters at Work in Ancient Corinth: Industry, Religion, and the Penteskouphia Pinakes, American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Eleni Hasaki, Religious Studies & Classics
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Grandeur et décadence des Moïse(s) noir(s): enjeux des réécritures du mythe biblique dans La pièce d’or de Ken Bugul et Petit Piment d’Alain Mabanckou in Relire-Réécrire. Mythes et textes sacrés dans le monde arabe et en Afrique (Traduction, interprétation, altération)

Aurélia Mouzet, French & Italian
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Indeterminacy in L1 French grammars: the case of gender and number agreement in Journal of French Language Studies

Dalila Ayoun, French & Italian
Modes of Play in Eighteenth-Century France, Bucknell University Press

Reginald McGinnis, French & Italian
Dear Vaccine: Global Voices Speak to the Pandemic, The Kent State University Press

Naomi Shihab Nye, David Hassler and Tyler Meier, Poetry Center
Trans Talmud: Androgynes and Eunuchs in Rabbinic Literature, University of California Press

Max K. Strassfeld, Religious Studies & Classics
French Immigrants and Pioneers in the Making of America, McFarland

Marie-Pierre Le Hir, French & Italian
The Acquisition of Gender: Crosslinguistic perspectives, John Benjamins Publishing Company

Dalila Ayoun , French & Italian


Transnational Railway Cultures, Berghahn Books

Benjamin Fraser, Spanish & Portuguese
Freedom, Imprisonment, and Slavery in the Pre-Modern World, De Gruyter

Albrecht Classen, German Studies
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L/G/B and T: Queer Excisions, Entailments, and Intersections in L/G/B and T: Queer Excisions, Entailments, and Intersections. In J. M. Paiz & J. E. Coda (Eds.) Intersectional Perspectives on LGBTQ+ Issues in Modern Language Teaching and Learning. Palgrave Macmillan. 153-182

Kris Knisely, French & Italian
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Bringing Trans, Non-binary, and Queer Understandings to Bear in Language Education in Bringing Trans, Non-binary, and Queer Understandings to Bear in Language Education. Critical Multilingualism Studies. 9(1), 23-45.

Kris Knisely, French & Italian
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“L’Ecrivain-traceur.” L’Homme-trace, tome V. Eds. Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec, Sylvie Leleu-Merviel and Hafida Boulekbache-Mazouz. Paris: CNRS Editions, 2021. 251-63. in “L’Ecrivain-traceur.” L’Homme-trace, tome V. Eds. Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec, Sylvie Leleu-Merviel and Hafida Boulekbache-Mazouz. Paris: CNRS Editions, 2021. 251-63.

Alain-Philippe Durand, French & Italian
First Person Singular, Knopf

By Haruki Murakami Translated by Philip Gabriel, East Asian Studies
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Southern Baptists Can’t Shake Their Past in Current

Karen Seat, Religious Studies & Classics
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Integrating Judaism and Jewish Studies into the Atlantic World History Curriculum in Religious Studies Review

Deborah Kaye, French & Italian
Abdellah Taïa’s Queer Migrations: Non-places, Affect, and Temporalities, Lexington Books

Denis Provencher, French & Italian
Online World Language Instruction Training and Assessment, Georgetown University Press

Carmen King Ramírez, Spanish & Portuguese
Love for Sale: Representing Prostitution in Imperial Russia, Northern Illinois University Press

Colleen Lucey, Russian & Slavic Studies
The Reed Smoot Hearings: The Investigation of a Mormon Senator and the Transformation of an American Religion, Utah State University Press

Konden Smith Hansen, Religious Studies & Classics
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Pragmatic Approaches in The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Corpora

Julieta Fernández & Shelley Staples, Spanish & Portuguese
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Overview of Available Learner Corpora in The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Corpora

Julieta Fernández & Tracy S. Davis, Spanish & Portuguese
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Le français non-binaire: linguistic forms used by non-binary speakers of French in Foreign Language Annals

Kris Knisely, French & Italian
Teaching Moral Sex: A History of Religion and Sex Education in the United States, Oxford University Press

Kristy Slominski, Religious Studies & Classics
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Performing Authenticity: Li Zhi, Buddhism, and the Rise of Textual Spirituality in The Objectionable Li Zhi: Fiction, Criticism, and Dissent in Late Ming China

Jiang Wu, East Asian Studies
Charlemagne in Medieval German and Dutch Literature, Boydell & Brewer

Albrecht Classen, German Studies


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Equal access to the United States legal system for multilingual users of English in TESOL Journal

Julieta Fernández & Noah Gabrielsen, Spanish & Portuguese
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Mobile application use in technology-enhanced DCTs in The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) Journal

Julieta Fernández, Catherine Rockey & Jessica Tiegs, Spanish & Portuguese
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Italian Grammatical Gender: A Corpus Study from a Second Language Acquisition Perspective in Italica: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian

Dalila Ayoun and Stefano Maranzana, French & Italian
The Fables of Ulrich Bonerius (ca. 1350): Masterwork of Late Medieval Didactic Literature, Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Albrecht Classen, German Studies
A Marginal Majority: Women, Gender, and a Reimagining of Southern Baptists, University of Tennessee Press

Karen Seat, Religious Studies & Classics
Istantanee di un amor de lonh, Samuele Editore

Beppe Cavatorta, French & Italian
La stanza sgombra, Transeuropa Edizioni

Beppe Cavatorta, French & Italian
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Trans/filiations épistémologiques: Ecrire la famille, la révolution et un nouveau Maroc dans ‘Lettre à ma famille’ et ‘Le chaouche’ in Abdellah Taïa. Poétique et politique du désir engagé/Abdellah Taïa. Poetics and Politics of Engaged Desire

Denis Provencher, French & Italian
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The Relevance of The Humanities in the Twenty-First Century: Past and Present in Humanities Open Access

Albrecht Classen, German Studies