Annual Performance Reviews
Documents about the current annual performance review (APR) cycle are posted here to help provide guidance about upcoming deadlines, criteria, and general procedures.
APBC Guidelines
This webpage describes the College of Humanities’ Annual Performance Based Component Program.
Retention / Third-Year Reviews
Information about retention reviews for Tenure-Eligible and Continuing-Eligible faculty, which are conducted during the third-year, can be found here.
Promotion & Tenure
Please refer to this webpage for information about the current promotion and tenure cycle, including the timeline, criteria, and general process at the college level. Please see department heads for departmental criteria.
Continuing Status & Promotion
Guidelines for appointment and promotion are posted here for Continuing-Eligible Academic Professionals.
Career-Track Faculty
Guidelines for the appointment, evaluation, and promotion for Career-Track Lecturers and Career-Track Professors can be found here.