Annual Performance Based Component (APBC) Guidelines

The College of Humanities adheres to established University policies and protocols regarding employee compensation as it subscribes to the philosophy that a compensation program should be directed toward attracting, retaining, and rewarding a qualified and diverse workforce. Among the mechanisms available to the College in achieving its compensation objectives is the opportunity to offer Annual Performance Based Components (APBC) as one component of an overall compensation program. The Annual Performance Based Component is additional compensation that does not permanently change the faculty member’s salary, and is paid over one year’s time. This does not replace various types of faculty permanent salary increases.

This document describes the College of Humanities’ Annual Performance Based Component Program.

I. Eligibility: All College of Humanities (COH) faculty are eligible for annual salary increases per Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) Policy Number 6-901. Eligibility for performance-based increases (APBC) will be determined on the basis of an assessment of employee performance (ABOR 6-901, Section C).

b. Performance Assessment: For COH faculty, the performance assessment will include the completion of an Annual Performance Review (APR). This review includes evaluation of the Annual Performance Review by the unit peer review committee and the unit head/director, and consultation between the unit’s head/director and the dean of COH. Faculty in COH are evaluated on their performance in the three principal areas of responsibility: teaching, research, and service. To be eligible for an APBC, faculty performance in at least one of the three principal areas of responsibility must be rated as “outstanding” (a score of 4.0-5.0 on a 1-5 scale). Faculty will be ineligible for an APBC if performance in at least one of the three principal areas of responsibility is rated as “unsatisfactory” or “below expectations” (a score of 1.0-1.9 on a 1-5 scale), irrespective of scores in the remaining two categories. In all 3 areas, a high level of professionalism and participation in unit and college strategic priorities are expected.

c. Performance Criteria: These may include but are not limited to:

(1) Research/Creative activity – Its level of impact, and national and international stature.

(2) Teaching – Impact, balance and effectiveness of educational contributions to the general education, undergraduate, masters and doctorate programs as appropriate.

(3) Service – Contributes positively to the work and reputation of the unit, with a balance of local (Department, College, University, and including recruitment and retention of majors and minors), state, national, and international activities and administrative duties as appropriate.

II. Determination of APBC Compensation: When a faculty’s annual performance supports eligibility for a APBC, and when funds are deemed to be available for such purposes by the Dean, the amount of the APBC will be determined by the assessed quality of the annual performance (as described above) that has resulted in either cost reductions, significant contributions to program growth and revenue, improved service quality or improved productivity (ABOR 6-901, Section F, sub-para 3). Nominations and recommendations for APBCs are the responsibility of the units’ Heads and Directors, and must be approved by the Dean.

Irrespective of whether or not a performance assessment results in a faculty member being eligible for an APBC, compensation will only be dispersed if funds are available for such purposes, as determined by the Dean.

III. Plan for Funding APBC Compensations: APBC pay is dependent upon the availability of funds. An APBC in one year creates no expectation that it will be allocated in future years. The college is not required to issue APBC to every eligible faculty member every year; COH can retain funds in an effort to build a larger pool for distribution at a future point in time. Funds not allocated may be used for other purposes.

IV. Overall COH Compensation: It should be emphasized that the COH performance-based salary incentive plan described herein represents one component of the COH’s overall salary compensation plan, which, in addition to the APBC, also includes salary increases based upon (i) market, (ii) equity, (iii) promotion, and (iv) reclassification. Market competitiveness may be determined, for example, by comparison with our peer institutions.

V. Compliance: The COH Annual Performance Based Component Program will hold itself to the standards articulated in all applicable ABOR policies, and also with all appropriate Federal, State, and University policies regarding compensation and performance-based salary incentives.

VI. Approval: The COH Annual Performance Based Component Program requires approval from the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost prior to implementation.

Approved by the Faculty of the College of Humanities