Black History Month
Presented as part of our Tucson Humanities Festival spring series, the College of Humanities, Department of Africana Studies and University of Arizona Poetry Center invite you to join us for several events in February to celebrate Black History Month.

Reel and Feast: A Black History Month Celebration of Food, Film, and Fun
Friday, February 7, 6:00 PM | FREE
Kachina Lounge | Student Union Memorial Center
Meet the Department of Africana Studies at this celebration of African food, culture and film. Dr. Deanna Daniels will lead a talk and show Netflix's High on The Hog Episode 1. Enjoy free food, giveaways and games. Bring your friends and come get to know us!

Faculty Guest DJs on KXCI
Fridays, 5:00 PM
Live on KXCI Community Radio, 91.3 FM or kxci.org
As part of an annual partnership with KXCI Community Radio, professors from Africana Studies will be featured as guest DJs on the Home Stretch every Friday in February. Each professor will select a topic to discuss and play related songs, illuminating subjects related to music, culture, history and their own research.
Tune in for the entire line-up!
Feb. 7 – Johnny Castro
Feb. 14 – DeAnna Daniels
Feb. 21 – Tani Sanchez
Feb. 28 – Jerome Dotson

Poetry Reading: Terrance Hayes
Presented by the University of Arizona Poetry Center
Thursday, February 13, 7:00 PM | FREE
UA Poetry Center, Rubel Room | 1508 E Helen Street
Terrance Hayes is the author of seven poetry collections, and his prose collection, To Float In The Space Between, was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award and winner of the Pegasus Award for Poetry Criticism.

Poetry Reading: Niki Herd
Presented by the University of Arizona Poetry Center
Thursday, February 20, 7:00 PM | FREE
UA Poetry Center, Rubel Room | 1508 E Helen Street
Niki Herd is the author of The Stuff of Hollywood and The Language of Shedding Skin, as well as the chapbook _____ , don’t you weep. She coedited with Meg Day Laura Hershey: On the Life & Work of an American Master.

Africana Studies Hip Hop Roundtable
Wednesday, February 26, 4:00 PM | FREE
Kiva Room | Student Union Memorial Center
The Hip Hop Roundtable will feature various College of Humanities faculty, including Dr. Alex Nava, Dr. DeAnna Daniels, Dr. Jerome Dotson, Dr. Brett Esaki and Dr. Tani Sanchez.
About the Tucson Humanities Festival
The University of Arizona College of Humanities regularly presents events that encourage public participation in the humanities. The Tucson Humanities Festival every fall is organized around a timely and thought-provoking theme that invites you to explore the impact of humanities on our lives. The festival carries into the spring with select programming to continue the conversation. To subscribe to festival mailing list or view recordings of presentations from the 2024 Tucson Humanities Festival: Well-Being, please visit humanitiesfestival.arizona.edu.
Event Supporters