College Faculty Awards

College of Humanities Distinguished Teaching Award

Each Spring, the College of Humanities sponsors the Distinguished Teaching Award. Recipients of this award will receive a personalized certificate and $1000.


The award is intended to honor an individual who has demonstrated a passion for teaching and who has demonstrated a committed and sustained effort to ensure the quality of the students’ learning experience. COH recognizes teaching excellence at all levels but this award places particular emphasis on teaching at the undergraduate level.

Award Eligibility

College of Humanities faculty members at all levels of appointment are eligible.

Nomination Instructions

While it is suggested that department/programs present strong nomination packages, all nominations, including self-nominations, will be accepted.

Nominators should be prepared with the following materials when submitting a nomination.

  • A statement from the nominator outlining the nominee's contributions to teaching.
  • A statement from the nominee outlining their teaching philosophy.
  • Letters of support with at least two letters from students.

Submit Nomination

You can nominate faculty via our online nomination form. The online form, including all uploaded materials should be submitted by the nominator.  Please note that the form cannot be started, closed out, and resumed at a later time. 


The online nomination form, including all uploaded materials, must be submitted no later than February 20, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. (The form is now closed.)

Notification Process

One awardee will be chosen. Awardees will be notified approximately five weeks after the deadline.


The winner will be recognized via the College of Humanities website, COH listserv announcements, and at the convocation ceremony.

Questions about the program or nominations can be directed to the College of Humanities Dean’s Office (

College of Humanities Distinguished Undergraduate Advising/Mentoring Award

Each Spring, the Distinguished Undergraduate Advising/Mentoring Award recognizes a College of Humanities faculty member for extensive and exceptional involvement in advising and mentoring students. Recipients of this award will receive a personalized certificate and $1000.


The award is intended to honor an individual who has demonstrated a tenacious commitment to advising/mentoring undergraduate students.

Award Eligibility

College of Humanities faculty members at all levels of appointment are eligible.

Nomination Instructions

While it is suggested that department/programs present strong nomination packages, all nominations, including self-nominations, will be accepted.

Please note that the online nomination form cannot be started, closed out, and resumed at a later time.

Nominators should be prepared with the following materials when submitting a nomination.

  • A statement from the nominor outlining the nominee's contributions to advising/mentoring.
  • A statement from the nominee outlining their advising/mentoring philosophy.
  • Letters of support with at least two letters from students

Submit Nomination

You can nominate faculty via our online nomination form. The online form, including all uploaded materials should be submitted by the nominator.  Please note that the form cannot be started, closed out, and resumed at a later time. 


The online nomination form, including all uploaded materials, must be submitted no later than February 20, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. (The form is now closed.)

Notification Process

One awardee will be chosen. Awardees will be notified approximately five weeks after the deadline.


The winner will be recognized via the College of Humanities website, COH listserv announcements, and at the convocation ceremony.

Questions about the program or nominations can be directed to the College of Humanities Dean’s Office (