Grade Appeals

Students who wish to file a grade appeal for courses taught within the College of Humanities should refer to the University’s Grade Appeal PolicyStarting in June 2020, requisite forms will no longer be provided by the COH Dean’s Office. Students can initiate the process using the instructions provided by the Office of the Registrar. 


In accordance with the Registrar’s instructions, students will be responsible for routing their paperwork at various stages in the grade appeal process. Please use the following contacts when routing forms in the College of Humanities.

Routing forms to Instructors

When the Registrar’s instructions refer to the instructor, students should route their paperwork to the instructor listed in the syllabus.

If the course instructor is a GAT (teaching assistant/associate), the student should cc the person in charge of supervising the course, or the appointed designee or the department head, whichever pertains to the course in question.

In addition to the instructor, students should also cc the Director if the course is one of the following:

  • SPAN 101, SPAN 102, SPAN 201, SPAN 202, SPAN 205, SPAN 206, SPAN 251:
    Please send your paperwork to the instructor and also cc Kristin Doran (Director, Basic Language Program) at
  • SPAN 103, SPAN 203, SPAN 253, SPAN 323, SPAN 333, SPAN 343:
    Please send your paperwork to the instructor and also cc Lillian Gorman (Director, Spanish for Heritage Learners) at

Routing forms to Department Heads

Please refer to the listing of department heads at the bottom of this webpage for the name and contact information of the course’s relevant department head. 

Routing forms to the Dean

Please send paperwork to when the instructions mention “Dean” or “Dean’s Office”. In the College of Humanities, the grade appeal process is overseen by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Chantelle Warner.