Congratulations to this year's COH research grant awardees!
Straight to the Goal!
2016 COH Faculty Research Grants Awardees
Professor Katia Bezerra
Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese
Project: Borders within Borders: Diasporas in the Lusophone World
Professor Ana Carvalho
Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese
Project: The interplay of standard language ideologies and students' bilingual varieties in a dual-immersion bilingual classroom
Assistant Professor Anita Huizar-Hernandez
Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese
Project: National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity's Faculty Success Program
Assistant Professor Annette Joseph-Gabriel
Dept. of French & Italian
Project: Mapping Marronage: Visualizing Trans-Atlantic Networks of Freedom
Professor Richard Kinkade
Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese
Project: Dawn of a Dynasty: The Life and Times of Infante Manuel of Castile (1234-1283)
Associate Professor John Leafgren
Dept. of Russian & Slavic Studies
Project: Revolution Across the Curriculum: Commemorating the Russian Revolution of 1917 at the University of Arizona
Associate Professor Hai Ren
Dept. of East Asian Studies
Project: Spheres of Engagement: Art, Society, and Citizenship
Associate Professor Robert Schon
Dept. of Religious Studies & Classics
Project: Excavations at Warren Ballpark
Assistant Professor Caleb Simmons
Dept. of Religious Studies & Classics
Project: Publication Subvention for Beyond the Monastery
2016 COH Graduate Students Research Grants Awardees
Dongchen Hou
Dept. of East Asian Studies
Project: From Brush Tips to Machine Arms - Decoding Chinese Writing in the Nexus of Embodied Experience, Technics, and Locus of Authorship
Xuefei Ma
Dept. of East Asian Studies
Project: Nüshu, Calligraphy, and Choreography - Empathetic Bonding over Secrecy in Shu-ing/Writing a Women's History
Amanda Snell
Second Language Acquisition & Teaching GIDP
Project: Creative Materials for Immigrant and Refugee Second Language Learners
Whitney Waites
Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese
Project: Performing Blackness: Identity Politics and Subalternity in Brazilian Graffiti